Detox drink for healthy skin
Beauty may be associated with females but nowadays it seems like male also want to look good by having healthy skin. There are many ways available in the market on improving skin health. It could be from skincare products used directly on skin or taking beauty supplements. Although there are many ways a person can achieve healthy skin, the good way would be from taking healthy drinks made with natural ingredients. Of course, it would be better if you make one for yourself. Furthermore, healthy drinks not only benefit the skin but also the whole body in general.
Detox drinks are popular for healthy skin. This is because it contains a high number of fruits, vegetables, nuts or seeds. In other words, detox drinks are packed with antioxidants, protein or fibre which not only help a person to achieve glowing skin, but also a healthy body. Reasons being why detox drinks are the perfect way for you to achieve healthy skin is more than just to have a healthy body and skin. This is because the modern lifestyle often revolves around humans eating less nutritional food or too busy to pay attention to their diet. Hence, detox drinks are highly recommended as it is easy and safe.
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Below are some of the recommended and effective detox drinks options you can choose from or give you ideas of what to drink next:
1) Watermelon detox water- Watermelon is high in antioxidants and fibre. Just by using watermelon pieces, mint leaves and lemon, you already can make yourself this drink simply by adding these ingredients into chilled water.
2) Vitamin C detox water- Vitamin C is certainly not new to skin health. It has been proven to reduce inflammation of the skin, slow down ageing skin and produce collagen. This is easy to make by using freshly squeezed lemon and cucumber slices with mint leaves into water. Let it cool in the fridge for a more refreshing taste.
3) Blueberry orange water- Blueberry and orange is high in antioxidants and vitamin C. These two nutrients can help boost skin health. Just take oranges and blueberries, place them in a bottle and fill the water. Let it sit in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours or better overnight to infuse.
4) Strawberry detox water- Strawberry is high in antioxidants and vitamin C. Simply by adding strawberries and lemon into water, you can already have this.
5) Pomegranate detox juice- This beautiful jewel-like fruit is famous for its potent antioxidant properties. Since it is high with water content, drinking this can help a person’s body hydrate and improve dry dull skin. Take the pomegranate seeds and blend it with water to create fresh juice. Add lemon juice before drinking.
6) Turmeric detox- Usage of turmeric for skin health has been around for more than centuries. It possesses an anti-inflammatory effect that could help to reduce skin irritation and treat acne. This drink can be made with lemon juice, honey and turmeric powder.
7) Detox green juice- The green colour is derived by the green vegetables and fruits. This translates to juice that is high in vitamins and minerals. It contains spinach, green apple, cucumber and zucchini. Lemon is often added to give it a good taste.
It can be concluded that there are many detox drinks you can make by yourself at home. Of course, you can make your own kind of blends but always avoid adding in sugar and make sure to make it with fresh ingredients. Detox water should not replace your daily intake of plain water. Besides detox drinks, it is best to see a dermatologist to understand more about your skin condition and learn more on what to do to have healthy skin.