Why Does Marijuana Cause Cottonmouth?
Cottonmouth, also known as “dry mouth,” is one of the most common side effects of marijuana use. It happens because marijuana affects the production of saliva in the mouth. The chemicals in cannabis, particularly THC and CBD, bind to receptors in the brain that control saliva production. This binding interrupt normal saliva flow, leading to a dry, uncomfortable feeling in the mouth, often referred to as “cottonmouth.” Read more mississauga weed delivery same day
What Is Cottonmouth?
Cottonmouth feels like your mouth is unusually dry, almost as if it’s filled with cotton balls. This dryness often extends to the throat, causing a scratchy or sore sensation. The lack of saliva can make it hard to swallow and may even alter your sense of taste.
Why Does Cannabis Cause Dry Mouth?
Marijuana affects the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), which regulates many functions, including sleep, appetite, and saliva production. Normally, your parasympathetic nervous system sends signals to your salivary glands (like the submandibular glands) to produce saliva. But when you consume marijuana, the cannabinoids—particularly THC—intercept these signals, leading to reduced saliva production.
Marijuana can also affect your lacrimal glands, which are responsible for producing tears. This is why red eyes are another common side effect of cannabis use. The same cannabinoids that cause dry mouth also lead to a decrease in tear production, causing the eyes to become red and irritated.
How to Prevent Cottonmouth
- Use lower doses: Higher doses of cannabis increase the chance of developing dry mouth. Starting with smaller doses can help minimize this side effect.
- Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water—at least 64 ounces a day—to keep your body hydrated and reduce dryness in your mouth.
- Chew sugarless gum or suck on hard candy: These can stimulate saliva production and provide relief from cottonmouth.
- Avoid caffeine and alcohol: Both of these substances dehydrate the body and make dry mouth worse. Caffeine is a diuretic, which means it causes you to urinate more, and alcohol dehydrates the body.
- Eat hydrating fruits and vegetables: Water-dense foods like watermelon, oranges, cucumbers, and celery can help hydrate you while reducing the symptoms of dry mouth.
- Use a humidifier: Adding moisture to the air in your home can relieve cottonmouth and help with other dryness issues, like dry skin or allergies.
- Suck on a lemon or citrus fruit: Citrus can stimulate saliva production, but be careful as too much acidity can harm tooth enamel over time.
- Pop a sugar-free lozenge or mint: These can help encourage your salivary glands to produce more saliva, helping to ease the discomfort of dry mouth.
Cottonmouth is a minor but annoying side effect of marijuana use that many people experience. It’s generally not serious and can often be prevented by staying hydrated and consuming cannabis in lower doses. If dry mouth becomes a persistent problem, and you’re noticing issues like bad breath, gum irritation, or tooth decay, it’s a good idea to speak with your dentist to address these concerns and maintain your oral health.